Animal Rummy

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Three more posters with the Archbishop bouncing from city to city within reasonable driving distance.

Unique edition for each show featuring the same design but with a different blue in the background that gets progressively lighter.

Starts with a cobalt and ends with the light metallic luster of the blue use for Entering Heaven Alive.

Idea being the longer AHH stays in your area, the brighter things become.
Jersey City: NN Cobalt Fluorescent Blue
New Haven: FOTD Cyan
Cambridge: Entering Heaven Alive Metallic Blue
There weren’t foil variants or any such hoo-hah. Posters are $55 each.  If you buy all three, then you will get a blessing on your outgoing tube.
That and $5 will get you a cup of coffee most places.


Odd opportunity to design a shout for the Pumpkins show in Arlington, TX via the good folks at Collectionzz.
Show copies were printed on white paper.
My copies are printed on Colorplan Citrine paper as a separate artist edition of 50.
What’s the difference?  Well mainly, it looks/feels cool when you take it out of the tube.
Beyond that, ehhh, not much at a small distance.  I just like printing on colored paper whenever I can in a desperate attempt to emulate early days Little Friends of Printmaking.
Hmm, also if you enjoy receiving posters from me in a polybag for protection against scratches/moisture then thank Little Friends for that too.
I got a tube from them a long time ago with the same prep and determined, “Yep, this is how you’re supposed to do it.”

Poster is $69.  Add a $1 and I’ll draw a vampire in the corner.

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